Time Manager SQL & The Time Manager Cloud
The Time Manager software has been developed by STT over the last 13 years by some of the industry’s most qualified developers and is currently paying thousands of employees nationally and internationally.
- Our software has a user friendly design with extremely powerful functionality
- Secure Time Manager has full security and a user friendly setup and user interface
- True Windows 32Bit and 64Bit
- Reports can be viewed on screen or printed to multiple printers! All reports can also be exported into most electronic formats namely: Text; Excel; CSV and PDF
- Secure Time Manager has a full audit tracking and event reporting functionality
- 6 Different levels of “pay times” i.e. no pay, normal, OT1, OT2, OT3, OT4.
- Each overtime pay rate is user definable i.e. 1.50, 1.65, 2.00, 2.50, etc.
- Automatic shift cycle rotation. Change the cycle/schedule every Monday to the next cycle
- Easy to change absentee codes i.e. “A.W.O.L” to “Sick Leave”
- Easy to set up pre-arrival and post-departure overtime, each with its own pay rate
- Edit screen allows you a “Edit Period” and only that “Pay Period” is shown on screen
- Employees can be booked on Leave/Annual Leave, etc. in advance
- Override & pay: Late arrivals/early departures
- Password protected, set password with or without “Supervisor Functions”
- Powerful editing tools to help edit exceptions i.e. Add missing clocking, Absenteeism, etc.
- Public holiday calendar pop up allows you to go from month to month setting up holidays
- User definable rounding on “In” and “Out” times i.e. 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes etc.
- Exception based reports all with definable time periods
- All reports can be printed as hours and minutes or decimals
- Shifts can be set to either Flexi-Time shifts, Fixed shifts or Rotating shifts with an automatic shift detection option
- Unlimited absenteeism codes i.e. off with permission, IOD, Sick Note handed in, etc.
- Unlimited employees, unlimited shifts, working weeks and cycles/schedules
Secure Time Manager Suite of software packages allow us to provide a software solution for your company depending on your specific industry needs and requirements. Our software will interface with most of the industry’s standard payroll systems.
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